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Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj / IVF Treatment  / What Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat
What Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat

What Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat

Want to know more about What Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat. when there is a discussion among the couples arises regarding the issues of conception, many of them raise their hands to know the appropriate information that could help them come out from such situation. A Few decades ago, the infertility treatment through IVF seems like a mystery, very few know about it and there are barely any person who understand it. However, today is the latest treatment option available at Nurture IVF Clinic, led by prestigious IVF specialist Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj divulge an effective treatment for infertility.

What Causes Infertility?

Infertility problem has been infecting couples like never before. Every 1 out of 6 couples is suffering from infertility issue these days. Infertility is not a disease, rather it is deemed as disease of the reproductive system the harm the body’s ability to perform the basic function of reproduction. Usually, if any couple is having a well timed sexual intercourse between them for the period of one year or more, it can be termed as the body’s inability to conceive. An immediate appointment with the infertility specialist in delhi is recommended. There could be a number of reasons that is responsible for infertility problem, it may include:

Ovulation Disorders

When ovulation disorders transpire in women, it affects their ability to release the egg from the ovaries. It may be in the form of hormonal disorders, such as polycystic syndrome, hyperprolactinemia – it is a situation in which woman develops too much prolactin that stimulates breast milk production, it can also affect the ovulation process.

Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism

Excess lever of thyroid (Hyperthyroidism) or very low lever of thyroid (hypothyroidism) can eventually affect the menstrual cycle that can create problem in achieving pregnancy. Many people do not pay attention towards the condition of thyroid. Once it crops up to a threatening level, it could be a harmful factor for conceiving as well.

Uterine or Cervical Abnormality Problem

Such problem is associated with the abnormalities with the opening of the cervix, shape of the uterus and polyps in the uterus. If there is any non-cancerous tumor found in the uterine wall, it may become the reason for infertility, as it can block the fallopian tubes. Furthermore, the implantation of the fertilized egg can hampered due to fibroid interference.

Endometriosis Issue

The problem of endometriosis transpires when endometriosis tissue develops outside of the uterus. When such thing happens, it can affect the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

Damaged or Harmed Fallopian Tube

Several women have the issue of blocked fallopian tube or have some kind of harm to it that is preventing them to get pregnant. This is usually caused by the inflammation in the fallopian tube. The inflammation in fallopian tubes may occur due to pelvic inflammatory disease and the source of such problem is a sexually transmitted infection, endometriosis or adhesions.

Pelvic Adhesions

Pelvic adhesions may be referred as the bands of scar tissue that is responsible to bind organs after pelvic infection, pelvic surgery and appendicitis.

There can be some other reasons that may cause the issue of infertility such as cancer treatment, absence of menstruation, poorly controlled diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Male Infertility Problem

Male infertility issue is generally associated with the sperm. For males, it is essential to produce healthy and viable sperm that can penetrate the woman’s uterus and fertilized her egg during the ovulation process. A number of things are supposed to go inverse with this process that could potentially ramified as infertility.

The male infertility issues that can harm the hope of conception may include, low sperm count, sperm’s inability to penetrate the egg or survive in the uterus’s mucus, unable to perform sexual intercourse with the female partner, sperm retrograde or blockage in the tube which allow the sperm to mix with the semen. All such issues required a doctor’s consultation and guidance to cure the condition and make it fit for fertility or conception.

What are the Risk Factors?

Key for IVF Success

The change in lifestyle, diet and habits can create factors that will hamper the fertility process in male and female, it may comprise:

Age Factor: It is a fact that women’s fertility gradually declines with age, especially after 35 years of age.

Use of Alcohol or Tobacco: Both are harmful, it affects the fertility and reduces the chances of getting pregnant

Smoking: It is another habit that curbs the door of conception due to its harmful effects on our body.

Overweight or Underweight: Both the condition is not right for a healthy and successful pregnancy possibilities. That is why, maintaining an ideal weight is always recommended to the couples who are planning to conceive.

Infertility Treatment with the help of IVF

IVF has emerged as a promising treatment method for the couples who are suffering from infertility problems. It is considered as one of the highly effective treatment for infertility issues. However, it is not the first step in the treatment of infertility, rather utilized as a reserved alternatives when other methods have failed.

What is IVF?

An IVF is named to the procedure of fertilizing the egg and the sperm in a cultured dish called In Vitro. The eggs are surgically retrieved and the sperm sample is also received at the same time. Then, the egg and the sperm are combined together in the process of fertilization. Once the embryo develops as a result of fertilization, it is transferred to the uterus for implantation.

Key for IVF Success

Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj explains, the factors that have high impact on the success of IVF treatment method is the age of the woman and the quality of sperm. Younger women are deemed to experience the higher ratio of success through IVF treatment. The relatively older women’s chances decline due to decrease quantity and quality of eggs.

IVF treatment is a wonderful way to get pregnant and start your family. Many causes of infertility can be successfully treated with the help of In Vitro Fertilization. It can be the ideal choice if you have been identified with:

  • Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
  • Ovulation Problem
  • Antibody problem that impairs eggs or sperm
  • Low sperm count
  • Poor sperm quality
  • Unexplained infertility