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Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj / IVF Treatment  / Pregnant After Unexplained Infertility
Pregnant After Unexplained Infertility

Pregnant After Unexplained Infertility

For the couples who are trying to conceive, doing everything right for that, provided, having well timed sexual relationship with their respective partners, yet not getting pregnant after trying it for the period of more than one year, the condition can easily be termed as the infertility, which is understandably the major source of concern for many couples. When such things occur, the couples go through all kinds of testing and check up to determine the lying issue with the fertility. For their goodness, everything comes good and clear, stoic by the consequence, they could hardly understand where to head now. Such condition is known as unexplained infertility. Basically, it is a term used when there is no evident reason for infertility is located in the couples.

What is an Unexplained Infertility?

In a layman term, the unexplained infertility condition is comprehended as the issue of infertility that cannot be located by the test or diagnosis of the patient. It literally means the fertility checkups and testing divulge no significant problem pertinent to couple’s sperm and egg health, the ability to ovulate or produce enough and healthy sperm and the any other general issue with the structure and overall health of the couples reproductive system. The condition neither gives joy nor pain, except it leaves the couples in the perplex situation.

Believe it or not even the medical science has no answer to unexplained infertility (as the name of the term indicates). They fail to give any proper feedback to the couples for the reason of unexplained infertility. However, despite the doctor remain lip-locked as far as describing the reason of an unexplained infertility, the eminent IVF specialist Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj asserts that there is a strong possibility to overcome the condition.

Overcoming with the Issue of Unexplained Infertility

There are plenty of paradigm observed all around the world in such cases. Fortunately, unexplained infertility does not termed as dead rubber. It means there are lots of hope and route that will help you to overcome the situation and become pregnant, despite experienced an unexplained infertility. There are so many couples exist who has achieved pregnancy and give birth to a child, who has initially experienced unexplained infertility. In a nutshell, any couple having such issue need not to be hopeless, treatment and guidelines are available for such people.

The good news for such couples have that they have 50 percent of chances of getting pregnant naturally after they are diagnosed with the unexplained fertility, many couples are the live example of such instances. However, women who are over the age of 30 and never been pregnant before or those who have been trying to conceive for more than three years without getting success have reduced chances of conceiving naturally. IVF treatment may be the best option for them.

Treatment for Unexplained Fertility

To get pregnant after being diagnosed with unexplained infertility, your infertility specialist and expert Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj clinics may recommend you to embrace any of the following treatment options that bring forth suitable and favorable result for you:

Fertility Drugs

The fertility drug is utilized to increase the number of eggs during the ovulation. Normally, a woman produces only one egg per month. However, the use of fertility drugs can increase the number of eggs produced in that particular month. As a result your chance of getting pregnant increased exponentially. For example, the drugs like Clomiphene citrate (Clomid), gonadotropin or FSH is given to the patient. These medicines might be utilized in combination with the IUI or other ART procedure. These medicines might increase your chances of multiple birth or twins.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

It is known as artificial insemination as well. The sperm are washed and prepared and then injected directly into the uterus at the proper timing of ovulation. By doing so, the best quality and the quantity of sperm is placed at the right place and at the right time. As a result, it increases the chances of successful fertilization. Such procedure is commonly performed at Nurture IVF Clinic, as it is not very expensive and less time consuming as compared to the whole IVF procedure.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

This is a very common procedure nowadays and assumed very effective and suitable for the patient with an unexplained infertility factor. In this procedure, The sperm and the egg are fertilized in a cultured dish called In Vitro (outside the woman’s body) under the laboratory environment and the surveillance of IVF expert. Once the embryo is developed as a result of fertilization, it is transferred to the uterus for the implantation. It is one of the nominated treatment for unexplained infertility.

ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)

It is very much similar to the IVF procedure, as the process of fertilization transpires outside the body, in the lab environment, however, the embryo that is developed after the fertilization is placed in the fallopian tube instead of uterus of the women.

GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer)

In this procedure, the IVF doctor does not remove egg from the women’s body, rather it is removed from the ovaries and placed in one of the tubes (fallopian tubes) along with the sperm. Thus, the fertilization takes inside the fallopian tubes and not outside the body, as it happens in IVF procedures.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

It is an advanced treatment procedure of IVF in which a single, healthy and viable sperm is selected and injected directly into a matured egg of the women for the purpose of successful fertilization, in a lab and then the embryo is transferred to uterus for implantation. It has higher chances of successful conception.

Success at Last

Many couples at Nurture IVF clinic has found themselves lucky and get pregnant despite they are diagnosed with the problem of unexplained infertility. The moment, they have the taste and bliss of delivering their own child after waiting for a long time, it is quite amazing to feel a relieved gesture on their faces. The bottom-line is that pregnancy is very much possible after an unexplained infertility.